Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Would you snitch on your neighbor?

I was watching the Today Show this morning and they had an interesting segment on cybersnitching your neighbor. There is a website called RottenNeighbor.com where you can go and complain about your existing neighbors. They say that this is a wonderful thing when you are house hunting because finding out about your "neighbors-to-be" can be difficult. While watching this, in the back of my mind, I kept thinking about my crazy neighbors. When we moved in, we really loved the location. It's about one mile from Historic Downtown and we sacrificed some other things to live in this spot. Well, about three months later, our neighbor decided to let her GROWN son move a full size trailer into the front of their driveway, which blocks the whole view up the street. Yes, he actually lives out there. It's pretty clear when he hooks up his satellite TV and the lights are on all the time. It doesn't EVER move except for stupid Nascar races either. I've been that pesky neighbor and have called the city codes department about it, but they seem to not care. They say that it's against the rules for him to be out there, but maybe he sweet talks his way out of it...that is, if they have ever looked into it. My husband and I did a lot of work on the exterior of our house so that is why it bugs us so much. We love curb appeal so we painted the brick of our house, did some landscaping and even more. We can't help but feel that this situation just shoots our efforts down and lowers the property value. We have tried explaining to them our side, but it doesn't help either. So, we just continue to be stuck.

This RottenNeighbor.com wouldn't have done us any good anyways when we were buying. I haven't mentioned it yet, but I live in Grandpavillle. I am sure that maybe only three to four people on my street even own a computer. So, there wouldn't be any complaints on there to have researched. I talk trash in this blog, but I think that I am taking the advice from the creators and won't snitch on the site. They say that it can also hurt your own home's value if you complain, especially if you are trying to sell, which we might do maybe in the near future.

Just as a disclaimer, I'm sure the website is getting a lot of hits because I've had trouble with the page loading today.


heath-er said...

Tales from Granpaville...

hahaha... good stuff.

Emily said...

Not related but did you go to the concert last night? I noticed the album cover...we were there, it was awesome.