Friday, January 11, 2008

I am an ISFJ, what are you?

I was catching up on the Brazen Careerist blog and one post called "Are You A Strategist?" captured my attention. Penelope goes into a bit about jobs and taking a personality test. I figured I would give her the benefit of the doubt and go for it and apparently, I am an ISFJ (Introvert, Sensor, Feeler, Judger)

People of this type tend to be: cautious, gentle, and thoughtful; hesitant until they know people well then affectionate and caring; very literal and aware of the physical world; uncompromising about personal standards and easily offended; diligent and conscientious, organized and decisive. The most important thing to ISFJs is living a stable, predictable life and helping people in real ways. Does this sound like me? When answering the questions, I found myself being very honest and not clicking what I would hope or want my answers to be. It surprised me that it came really easy and I felt confident in answers. It even directly asks you if you are confident.

Take the test, what are you?


Emily said...

ISTJ - but when I first took a Myers-Briggs as a freshman in college, I was an INTP. As a senior, I changed though, to something like ISFP...

The good thing about taking the big test is it allows for being borderline in some areas - like on F/T and P/J I think I have some traits of both.

Kristen said...

I was an EFNP in college. I think I'll go take it again!

Hope you're having a good week so far!

lmreed said...

I'm an ISTJ---who's surprised by that. Haha. It always stays the same. Very practical, thinky, with introverted energy.