Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I met Isabeau!

Oh my goodness...I just met Isabeau from The Biggest Loser. I was in such a bad mood today about going to the gym. You know it's one of those "I hate my body" days. So...I knew in order to solve the problem I had to go, but I did not have the best attitude. This is why I have a personal trainer and set appointments to go, otherwise I would have wimped out and not gone. Thank goodness I went because I got to meet Isabeau. Go Black Team!!! You don't understand, The Biggest Loser was my favorite show last season. I would literally schedule my workouts the day after so I could still be inspired and to tell my trainer what happened on the show. I even got to ask her about the time Jillian made her do a speed of 14 on the treadmill. I remember going to the gym and attempting it and I could only run around 7 speed. So, WOW! Anyways, just wanted to share my starstruck moment of the day. It sort of motivated me out of my workout slump and I'm eager to hit the gym again tomorrow for spin class.

1 comment:

lmreed said...

a girl my mom works with has lost a bunch of weight just since Christmas by doing cardio for 10 min and getting her heart rate up then lifting some weights, then back to cardio for increased hr, then lifting weights again.