Monday, March 3, 2008

Modern Day Etiquette

I've been babysitting and substitute teaching practically everyday, so I have spent zero time on the computer. Our comcast has also made it almost impossible to log on as well, but it's also been nice to really stay busy. It's been a struggle just to spend an hour of quality time with my husband. I know I needed to put up a quick update, so I decided to share this quick snippet I caught on the Today Show this morning. It's the quick bullet points caught from an interview with the great granddaughter of Emily Post.

1. Do not talk about sex, religion and politics. You can do so with good friends, but not with your boss or company you don't know.
2. Single parent dating-don't give other school mom's something to talk about. Keep it low-key.
3. Using hand sanitzer at the table. It's rude because of the harsh smell and they said it's in the same category as picking your teeth.
4. Email invites vs. stationary invites-watch your audience. It's easy to get lost in junk mail and it is still fun to send out regular invites to help excite your guests.
5. Cell phone etiquette-do not leave out on the table. Keep it on vibrate in your pocket and politely excuse yourself from your guest. Remember, this is a time to be social and it helps reassure your company know that you want to be spending time with them.

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