Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Back on the bike

I go back and forth about posting about my weight loss goals and stuff on here. In a way, it could be kind of embarassing, but I am going from the angle of that it helps with my accountability. So, from time to time, you will continue to see me post on the subject. I keep my fingers crossed that they will remain encouraging and I will be blogging about good results.

Yesterday, I finally went to spin class again. I was motivated by writing about my new diet, that I figured it's time to also get back to the cardio. If you are a loyal reader, you will remember that I suffered a back muscle strain earlier in the year and had to go through physical therapy. Since then, I've been intimidated to go back. I've slowly worked some weight training and running into my routine, but nothing hard core like I was. So, yesterday I sucked it up and went for it. I got in the class and let me tell you, it was hard. I'm not going to lie. Flat out, I know that I am going to have to work at getting back to the level I was, but the good news is that I wasn't discouraged. In fact, that is what I love about spin class. It's an excellent work out and I feel like I really accomplished something when I get off the bike. It's not that I am obsessed about taking the class to lose the weight, but it really is the satisfaction/buzz of finishing 45 min. of hard work. Don't get me wrong, I want to get back into shape and possibly try street biking when it gets warmer. My brother is a huge biker and always asks "When you going to get a real bike?" Maybe soon, 'lil bro, maybe soon.

1 comment:

real ryder said...

Try this spinning bike and tell your bro that you are using a real bike!