Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving Past and Present

Last year, at this time, I went away for the Thanksgiving holidays and came back Monday and didn't have a job waiting for me. Rest assured, I've gotten confirmation from my bosses this year that the same thing won't happen.

I can't believe how much I have grown this past year. I've realized many of my strong suits, faced the realities and openly discussed what I do and do not like to do. So many people recommended to me that I read the book Boundries. Why I didn't listen to them sooner? I don't know. It's been helpful in realizing what I actually expect out of people and what they should expect out of me. Really communicating your personal needs in a way that other people won't get offended or hurt.

I've also grown in a way of being more vocal. Especially in my job. When I was at a corporate environment, sitting around a conference table trying to present a marketing plan was torture. My tongue could somehow never find the words floating around in my brain. I was smart, had done all my research, but I didn't really feel that I could communicate in a way that people would listen and take me seriously. Maybe, in all honestly, I didn't believe in the product enough. I feel at times I can be pretty opinionated, but in return I am open to the opinions of others. I've learned to vocalize and stand up for my thoughts and actually give myself some self-credit and worth.

In reflecting on the words above, I want to make it clear that I don't find self worth through my job. Life is too short and there's a bigger plan somewhere. But it does make a difference when you walk in some place every day and feel appreciated and noticed. Therefore, this Thanksgiving, I am thankful for the hardships and lessons I've learned. Job hunts, unemployment, grieving (still) have made me stronger. Through my experience, I can help offer words of wisdom, hopefully. It's a tough world out there with the economy and such. I just tell those of you out there suffering, chin-up. Something good will come and your luck will change.


Kristen said...

AAH! I love your ticker up there! I was just checking to see if you had outed yourself on your blog...guess that's a yes :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! I am so happy for you guys. How are you feeling?