Monday, December 22, 2008

Some Big News

Well, as you can tell a ticker has been placed at the top of my blog. Yes, that means that Skye and I are expecting a baby in July. We are totally excited about this and can't wait to share our journey into parenthood with you. We feel very fortunate to have so many friends going through this experience in their own lives, as well. (I'm glad our baby will have little friends to play with.) So, stay tuned for more updates. I'm still absorbing the news, so I haven't been good with posts so far...but I was also waiting to tell the rest of the family and the bosses at work.


Anonymous said...

congratulations leslie!!! it's a wonderful thing!

Patti S. said...

Oh my gosh. I'm so excited for you!

blueghoti2 said...

Congrats!! We are so excited!! Can't wait for the babies to play together!