Monday, November 10, 2008

Just a quick note...

Reporters have now moved onto talking about Obama's new administration. Call me crazy, but don't we still have a lot of problems going on right now? Shouldn't we still be figuring out how to solve all these issues like the downfall of the economy? Bank bailouts and now auto bailouts? I am disappointed, in this time of crisis, that the only statements I've heard from the current Bush administration is that "Bush's goal is make Obama's transition as easy as possible!" Way to finish strong, Bush! But then again, what can you expect from a President that now has an disapproval rating of 75%.


Anonymous said...

It's a lame duck session--but nonetheless, i'm feeling the stress because my dad can't retire, yet they're saying GM will be bankrupt by February. Just remember that the President can't do crap with a majority Democratic its kindof a waiting game anyway. Obama is in for a hell of a start. Let's see what his approval ratings are in 1-2 years.

Anonymous said...

Do we WANT Bush to handle it? 'Cuz his track record's just been STELLAR!