Thursday, October 30, 2008

Bah Humbug....Halloween?

Tomorrow is Halloween and I am not enthusiastic at all. Probably the best adjective is "cynical," and I hate that. I blame it on the season of life that Skye and I are in. I finally got around to buying my pumpkins this week and don't even plan on carving them. I'll probably just continue to use them as fall decoration for Thanksgiving to extend their use.

We are saving money, so we don't want to go out and purchase Halloween costumes for fun. We feel a bit on the loser side because we weren't invited to any Halloween parties this year, so it doesn't matter anyways. Also, the majority of our friends have kids now, so they at least have the obligation of taking the kiddo's trick-or-treating that night. Therefore, we feel a tad left out there. So, I would say the best bet is to just stay home and hand out candy to the 3 kids that live in the neighborhood, trying to avoid the temptation of eating the remaining candy left in the bowl. YIKES!

The night won't be that bad.I must say, the one thing that I do look forward to on Halloween is the ritual of eating fish sticks and macaroni and cheese for dinner. My mom used to feed this to us, as kids, before we headed out to fill our treat bags. It's one of those comfort foods for me that puts a smile on my face. So, as I sit back an read my Stephanie Meyer vampire book "New Moon," I'll be wishing all you trick-or-treaters and Halloween lovers out there, have fun and be safe!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A halloween with Edward is a good halloween in my book. LOL