Sunday, April 20, 2008

GMA week in Nashville

So, there are only a couple reasons why I am reminded that it's Gospel Music Week in Nashville. The best reason is that good friends are back in town, and we have it on the books to catch up. The next being that all my old colleagues have updated their myspace/facebook page status with something like "ready for GMA to be over" or "consumed with GMA meetings." I admit that I almost started getting a little bit envious. I kind of enjoyed GMA week over the past seven years because about 90% of my job was always on the computer. It always gave me a break from the norm and meet new people and see artists. But then on this beautiful, BEAUTIFUL Sunday afternoon, I am grateful I am not working. I woke up and spent some time watching TV and playing with the new puppy, then got to be in the kitchen with my husband, which is a rare time together. I made these gourmet hamburgers and he made a great moroccan sauce from scratch. We also made homemade lemon-aid, fresh corn on the cob and vegetable chips. Yum! We had my dad over for a cookout after church and it was a fabulous time. We ended the afternoon by playing a few rounds of badminton and then went and got ice cream for dinner. I would take all this time outside today over being trapped inside the Nashville Convention Center any day. For once, in this whole unemployment phase, I am glad I don't have a job (enter sigh of relief here).

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