Monday, February 16, 2009

Don't use the "C" word...

Recently at a press conference for the Tour of California, an Irish Journalist, Paul Kimmage, set Lance Armstrong off. Apparently Lance had denied him an interview because the writer for the Sunday Times of London been quoted "The cancer had been in remission for 4 years and now the cancer is back in the peleton" talking of Lance's return to racing in the fall.

Now this is where I can definitely understand why he went off. Anybody, ANYBODY, who chooses to use the word "Cancer" to refer to something else in life, whether it be a person, a process, or even just an object is using a poor choice of words. Aren't people smarter than that now? Of course, I can understand because the disease has hit close to home, but I would like to think that before my mom got sick I would have been more aware of my words. I have definitely been around people who have accidently used this referral before and unfortunately it was a work situation where I didn't feel I could completely go off on my boss. But I can just say that I can understand where Lance is coming from with his anger. He's lived and defeated the disease and has also done more work to help the cause than we can imagine. He does all this work so your future friend, relative or spouse can maybe have some hope in the future if they are hit with the disease. To top it off, if you were wondering, as far as I know, this ridiculous reporter has yet to apologize for his remarks.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i know i told you about our experience with a boss/partner and this reference. unfortunately, it seems pretty popular lately. makes me sick to think that its becoming a "catch phrase" to say there's a problem.