Saturday, December 29, 2007

A few catch up items...

I've never been really good at having free time on my hands. I don't know what to do with myself and I just can't sit still. I always have to be doing something and at the same time multi-tasking. This week has been okay. We kicked the week off with the Christmas holidays. My younger brother, Brad, got Skye and I the Wii version of Guitar Hero lll. Now, we have had the Wii for over a year and I've never before "asked" to play a game. I've always just participated if it was a group activity and it was already in motion. I don't even know how to start up the darn thing. Well, that has changed now and I am addicted. I am still on the easy level, but I think I am in love. We even brought it along with us to Hilton Head to play while visiting the in-laws. I'm not sure they appreciate it as much, but I think I know what to do in my free time now.

Hmm...what else to report? Skye and I went to see National Treasure 2: Book Of Secrets today and let me tell you "It was great!" I typically hate Nicolas Cage movies, but this was very, very good. I encourage you to see it.

Anyways, we head back home to Franklin tomorrow and I am so excited. I am ready to be in my own house again and to see my friends. I am also ready for January. I will write a New Year blog in the next few days. I also need to come up with a new header and design. So come back soon and bare with me.

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