Friday, October 5, 2007

What is Starbucks doing?

Okay, okay....I live in a world of "free downloads." I will be the first to admit, I take advantage of free downloads. But now Starbucks is getting even more determined to make music a part of their coffee ministry. They are offering free download cards at their stores. Bob Dylan one day, Keith Urban the next. Who cares. I know who Bob Dylan is..if I want his music, I'll go buy it. I don't need Starbucks to help introduce me to established artists. Sorry, if you are a music fan and don't know who Bob Dylan aren't a music fan. I think Starbucks is missing out on an opportunity to help young fresh, new artists get new exposure. They have a real chance to make a difference for the music community. I work in the music industry and I don't consider it worthwhile to give away free music for my artists, unless there is a direct need for it. If you are one of those people that "damns the man" on Starbucks being too corporate, but goes in to get one of these download cards, you might want reconsider some things.

Click here to read an article about this.

1 comment:

Emily said...

I have probably been to Starbucks once, maybe twice, in the last year. I haven't kept up with what they're doing - I heard about them selling Paul McCartney's latest a while back - but must say that not quite two weeks ago in a Destin Starbucks I saw the music download card, and it was actually someone I had not heard of before (and despite my momness I am still into music; I'm just way more selective). I thought about picking it up, but I don't do iTunes.