Monday, January 12, 2009

BA Boom...

BA Boom, BA Boom, BA Boom...that is the sound my baby makes at 164 beats per min. In certain circles, some say that means it's a girl. In my thoughts, right now it's just a confirmation that this little person still lives inside my belly. It's hard, because some of your symptoms start disappearing and the fear sets in....Was that box I lifted too heavy? I only sort of tripped, but caught myself. Basically, your mind starts going a little nuts. The body changes that came on so quickly start fading and you just want to make sure that instead, your body just isn't going back to normal. I can't wait until I can feel the baby move, so that I can have a constant confirmation that things are going according to plan. I also can't wait to have more of a belly. Yes, can you believe that?I am embracing the belly growth that will occur. It will be a source of validation of all the fatigue, the cravings and yes, the double chin that is more apparent to me, than others. It also feels good to be at the "safe point," as they call it, to be able to share the news with everyone. But I'm not the only one with good news....

Have I mentioned that my brother is now officially engaged? It is going to be a BIG 2009! I am very excited that we will be welcoming his fiance, Whitney, to our family next fall. She's been so supportive and helpful to us through some very good and very, very sad times the past four years. My mom would very happy with all the change that is happening in the Wormer family. I only wish she was here to share it with us, but boy would she be proud.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What an exciting 2009 your family will have! are you going to post pregnancy pictures?! I want to get to see your growing belly, and I don't get to see you enough in person - you gotta post pics!