Monday, August 11, 2008

Political Ads....I'm Fed Up!

I'm fed up with election campaign ads. Not that I was ever a fan of them, but this last effort by McCain has really put me in a bad mood. Yes, I am a supporter of Obama as of now, but I still haven't fully made my decision. I totally supported him against Hillary and since I had to vote in the Democratic Primary, he was my obvious choice. But now that I have to honestly look at McCain to make the wisest decision, my eyes are open. I am not saying that Obama's commercials are better, but why would you go and waste money on an ad that focuses on Obama's celebrity (alongside Brittany Spears and Paris Hilton.) If you want to view it, click here. If you want to see Paris Hilton's response to John McCain's ad, check it out here.

What if we truly had a candidate that was above all of this? What if we had someone who said "Hey, cancer research is an important part of my campaign...let's donate all the ad dollars that would normally be spent and put it towards something valuable... LIKE SAVING LIVES!" That's the type of man I would vote for. I mean, is America really persuaded by these commercials these days? Don't we just set our Tivos and fast-forward through them for the most part now anyways?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nope, not persuaded. Haven't even seen them, and don't plan to. I'm probably going to go for the lesser of 2 evils. Sounds apathetic, though huh. What choice do we really have. If people took the congressional votes more seriously--like the Presidential elections, then maybe we'd have someone putting up electoral votes that we actually want. Anyway, it seems the world focus is on Obama because the other world leaders can see he's a pushover. Not to dog him, but I'd rather have someone in office that stands their ground for the American People. Just my 2 cents. I'm at work and bored right now.