Tuesday, March 25, 2008

No more bread...I hope.

This year for Lent I gave up soft drinks. I wasn't drinking a lot of sodas before, but I thought that with now having to deal with high blood sugar levels, it was the perfect time to say "I'm going to give this up!" I'm proud to say that I actually made it through and on Sunday when I could celebrate, I did so by NOT having a coke. It's terrible but I used Lent to kick off an even bigger plan. See, I'm a real picky eater. I hate, HATE vegetables and don't eat a large variety of fruits. I like apples and sometimes bananas...but that's about it. So, this soft drink plan was just the first baby step in reorganizing my diet. I got through that and will continue, but now the next baby step is breads and cheeses. For the first two weeks, I'm doing "NO WHITE AT NIGHT!" rule and then gradually move to no breads. I will be allowing myself one cheat day per week, but I'm really going to try to cut back as a whole. On a sandwich, I don't need a full piece of cheese. A half slice will do and on pizza....(which will only fall on the cheat day too, is actually preferred with half the cheese and double the sauce.) This step is going to be a lot harder, but trying is better than nothing at all, right? Giving up these foods is making me look at other options too. I'm sure I'll let you know how it goes. Right now, I'm already saying "Ugh!"


lmreed said...

I don't think cheese is bad, in moderation. I eat A LOT of light string cheese..... :)

Kristen said...

I'm pretty sure I'd shrivel up and die without cheese. It's my fave :)